Are you really getting enough sleep?
Getting a good night's sleep is no easy task. Many sleep experts feel that lack of sleep may turn out to be the next public health epidemic. For the moment however, there's an even bigger problem; unlike a virus there is no single answer to why we are not getting sufficient sleep. Nor do we all have the same symptoms or hazards.
Not getting enough sleep has been connected with auto accidents, major industrial disasters and also a great number of tragic but avoidable mistakes on the job.
What's more. people who are sleep-deprived share a higher risk than normal people of certain chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression and obesity along with cancer, an early death you ought not have to bear – let alone reduced quality of life and how well can they do at work; not well, probably.
How to ensure better sleep environment
Gadgets Free room- Designate your room as a place free of all electronic devices, and then turn the power off an hour before bedtime. If your phone must be nearby while sleeping, then put it screen-down for the night or at least mute all incoming calls.
Turn down the lights- Use a night light or a dimmer switch to avoid turning on bright overhead light when it's time for that inevitable trip down the hall in middle of night.
Check your mattresses and sheets- Like having the right shoes for a marathon, you need great Mattress, Bed Frame, Mattress Protector, Pillows and Super Soft Bedsheets to get yourself across the finish line of the day next morning. Your mattress should be replaced if it is older than seven years. Inspect it closely for signs such as sagging or protruding springs. Your sleep quality is influenced directly by what you lie on.
Just how much sleep do you really need?
One study found that people who slept from 6.5 to 7.5 hours a night reported living the longest. For those who got either less than 6.5 hr. or more than 8 hr. of sleep, their lifespan was not quite as long. The same risks associated with being short on sleep are also at work when it is in excess, and once you get past 8 hours of sleep the dangers begin to rise steeply.
Do you have a sleep disorder and don't yet know it?
When you hear the phrase "sleep disorder," perhaps to mind springs someone tossing and turning all night long. Or if not that, maybe the picture of sitting awake in bed for hours with insomnia next day is even more helpful to this discussion.
Yet these are only two examples of how your sleep quality and daily performance can be influenced by conditions that you might not even know exist at all. As a matter of fact, you could have a sleep disorder and not know it.
Disclaimer: Any diagnosis or treatment of individual circumstances can only be done by a licensed physician. Therefore, if you are experiencing any health problems please consult a doctor immediately ahead of making any therapy decisions on your own. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment on account of something you have read on our Blog Posts. Not only does it make good sense; doing so could lead to serious injury or death.